Effective FEB. 1, our rates have increased to 17 CENTS PER CHARACTER with a $65 FLAT FEE for the first photo and any other photos charged at HALF-PRICE ($32.50 EACH).


  • Obits for publication in the WEEKEND EDITION (published Saturdays) must be received and paid for no later than 6 p.m. FRIDAY. Obits submitted after that time will not be published until MONDAY.
  • Obits for publication in the MONDAY EDITION must be received and paid for no later than 4 p.m. SUNDAY. Obits submitted after that time will not be published until TUESDAY.
  • The News-Gazette's obit department will NOT be staffed on SATURDAYS. All correspondence received after deadline on FRIDAY will be returned beginning SUNDAY AFTERNOON.


  • If you are using or planning to use a funeral home within The News-Gazette's publication area in East Central Illinois, PLEASE DO NOT USE THE PUBLIC SUBMISSION FORM without first contacting the funeral home. Many have their own accounts with the paper, and this will streamline the verification and payment processes.
  • When providing information to verify a death, please include a funeral home name and website when possible. These can be entered either in the "Contact Person:" field under "Verification" or in the notes section at the bottom of the form.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Submit a New Obituary

How it works

After filling out the following form, providing all the necessary information, including death verification, the obituary will be submitted for review. Our staff will review the obituary and, if any problems are found, contact you via phone or email.

After passing review, you will receive an email showing you how to pay for the obituary by credit card. Without payment, the obituary will not be approved for publication. At any time, you can email with any questions or with problems concerning this form.

Obituary Information

A dateline is the city where the person lived or formerly lived.

Obituary must be verified by staff and paid for prior to 3PM CT on the day before the requested publication date.

We request you submit a headshot of the deceased, at the highest resolution possible.

(Photographs are $65 each.)


$ (click in box to recalculate)

Price is only an estimate. Final price will be determined after review.

Purchase a Second Publication Day for $0

You can purchase an additional publication date for half the price of the original publication date. Please add the repeat date using the selector.


We need to verify all deaths. This may be done by uploading a death certificate or by providing us with the contact information so we can verify by phone. Once verified you will receive an email to continue to the payment page for this obituary.

Billing Information

Add a note about this obituary

(Not used for publication)
By clicking submit for review, you understand you are submitting this obituary for publication in the Champaign, IL based News-Gazette print and digital newspaper. Publication dates requested on the obituary may or may not be available, depending on verification time and the time this obituary is submitted. You also understand the price may change depending on edits and any additional information that needs to be added to the obituary. You will not be charged until you can review the obituary at which time payment is due. You also understand that obituaries without payment will not be processed, published, or put online. Please call 217-351-5252 with any questions regarding this process.